
Design System

The Details

The sports industry has become more and more popular. What was a niche in the past is now the norm, resulting in a sea of sameness among sports brands. In order to reposition themselves and regain the hearts and feet of a younger audience, Reebok worked with VBP to create a new campaign and design system.

My Role

Together with Andrew Johnson, I developed a completely new design system to give Reebok a refreshed look. We broke layouts rules, established best practices for talent and product photography, composed a new color palette and developed several campaign materials, ranging from print, OOH, digital and retail.


Campaign visuals collage

Design Guidelines

Guidelines Cover Pages
Delta Logo clearspace
Delta logo usage guidelines
Vector logo clearspace
Vector logo guidelines
Guidelines typography headlines
Typography Subhead and body copy
Guidelines Typography
Color palette

Campaign Materials

Reebok Q1 Aztrek Retail Materials
Reebok Q2 Aztrek OOH Materials
Reebok Q2 Aztrek Retail Materials
Reebok Q2 Aztrek OOH
Reebok Q2 Aztrek Retail Materials


I was responsible, for concepting and producing content for the #SportTheUnexpected campaign website.

This particular project posed 2 major challenges:

1. It needed to blend 3 different films (Nail, back to where we started and storm the court) While keeping each section distinct.
2. Break the current Reebok CMS, without actually moving away form it.

Check the live site at https://www.reebok.com/us/sporttheunexpected


Design Guidelines

Creative Director: Byron Del Rosario

Associate Design Director: Andrew Johnson

Copywriter: Bryson Schmidt

Campaign Imagery

Photographer: RC Rivera

Creative Director: Byron Del Rosario

Associate Design Director: Andrew Johnson

Copywriter: Bryson Schmidt

Campaign Website

Creative Director: Byron Del Rosario

Associate Design Director: Andrew Johnson

Art Director: Victor Roa

Copywriter: Bryson Schmidt & Sam Bauer

